Long Term Benefits of OrthodonticsBells, Jackson, Milan & LexingtonBraces and Aligners provided by Our Expert Dentists in Bells, Jackson, Milan & Lexington, TN at Premier Dental Center Orthodontic appliances, including spacers, retainers, braces and more can provide both aesthetic and health benefits. The treatment is customized to the patient based on their bite issues and needs. At Premier Dental, we are happy to examine the alignment of your teeth, review any impacted teeth, and discuss the importance of keeping your jaw joint free of disruption. Together, we can review treatment plans and help you get the work you need to have a healthy smile. An orthodontic device is any appliance that is used to assist in the movement or in preventing movement in your teeth or palate. Orthodontic devices are tools that are used often in conjunction with the treatment of braces or any other orthodontic treatment. There are multiple appliances to fit a wide variety of needs, including:
Orthodontic treatment has both dental and aesthetic benefits. Dental benefits include the correction of your bite. Patients who suffer from a malocclusion including an overbite, an underbite, a crossbite or overcrowding can have problems with their ability to chew, their speech and their jaw joint. The long term benefits of correcting a malocclusion can be better oral health including:
Orthodontic Care for ChildrenMany of our patients think orthodontic care begins in adolescence, but studies have shown that there are steps that can be taken in younger children to improve their tooth placement as the permanent teeth come in. We are now evaluating children as young as seven for progress in their tooth development and intervening with orthodontic appliances to help guide their teeth as they grow. This will reduce the need for braces and help your child have a healthier smile. |