Are There Different Stages of Burns in Your Mouth?
Posted on 6/3/2024 by Premier Dental
If you have burned your mouth on a food or a beverage, it is definitely a painful sensation that takes a few days to heal. While your mouth is in such pain, you may be wondering if there are stages or degrees of mouth burns the way there are for your arm or leg. Dentists can mark the same stages of burns in your mouth the way doctors mark burn stages on your body.
First-Degree Burn
When you have a first-degree burn, you have burned only the top layer of tissue on the roof of your mouth or your tongue, which are the two areas in your mouth you are most likely to burn. The tissue may look hot pink or red and feel swollen. You may also experience pain, and it can range from mild pain to moderate pain, depending on how large the area you burned is. To help your first-degree burned mouth, try drinking cold liquids such as milk or water. You can keep an ice cube in your mouth as well. You will need to avoid acidic foods for a day or two, and you may want to use a saltwater rinse a couple of times a day while your mouth heals.
Second-Degree Burn
Second-degree burns are rare in your mouth, but they can happen. If you have a second-degree burn, you have burned the topmost layer of cells in your mouth and some layers underneath as well. The skin will be bright pink or red, and you may see blisters. At this stage of a burn, you do not want to try and treat the burn yourself. You will want to come into our office so our dentist can have a look at your burn and give you treatment options.
What If I Have a Third-Degree Burn?
Third-degree burns are extremely serious. If you are concerned you have a third-degree burn, you need to visit an emergency room. The skin in your mouth will look black, gray, or charred in appearance, and you may have no feeling in the area.
If you are suffering from mouth burn, contact us today for an appointment. We can help!
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